Sunday, July 11, 2010

Crossing the Great Plains

Our first day we drove from Hinesburg, Vermont to East Aurora, New York where Ted's dad grew up. We stayed there overnight and then headed out to Illinois. We camped in Utica, Illinois with a huge corn field about 50 feet from our tent. The next day we made our way to Nebraska. We were in "Corn Country" of the Great Plains. There are miles and miles and miles of land with no hills and lots of corn on either side of Interstate 80. As a generalization, eastern Nebraska is covered with corn and western Nebraska is for beef cattle. So, eastern Nebraska feeds western Nebraska and western Nebraska feeds us hamburgers.

It is pretty flat out in the middle of the country! It was fun noticing the slow and gradual uphill on the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains. After enduring a thunderstorm and torrential downpour on our tent on the 4th of July (the date the Declaration of Independence was approved) we drove out of Nebraska, across all of southern Wyoming and into Utah. After about 550 miles on the road, we found a nice campground in Park City, Utah. We dried off our tent and sleeping bags and then had a very cold night up in the mountains where the temperature dipped below 32 degrees!

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