Monday, August 23, 2010

Food at a Market and Transportation

By far the most popular form of transportation in and around Hanoi. Not sure about other parts of the country yet because we have not gone anywhere far yet.
Although I don't have a picture of it, I have seen 5 people on one of these motorbikes.

Letting you know who is in charge.

Toads for sale for eating.


The inside of some fish.

Crabs wrapped up so they can't pinch.

All kinds of dried fish.

Oranges on a motorbike.

Love this.

Outside a school.

One of the few intersections with a stoplight.

We love riding the bus, it only costs 15 cents and it is air conditioned although usually crowded!


  1. And which ones did you decide to get? Toads or eels?

  2. Great to see you're settling in. The food options look delicious. Nothing better than toasted toad heads. Yum. Be well.

    Tom & Carah

    Donner Park
