Friday, September 24, 2010

Trip to Ba Vi--milk village and hike up to a shrine

We went to a small, poor village of ethnic minority Hmong people with a group of Vietamense high school kids. The high school kids put on a small Moon Festival presentation and handed out treats. Children in hanoi get to attend bigger shows on the streets with lights, a stage, loud music to celebrate the Moon Festival--seems to coincide with teh Autumnal Equinox. These kids don't get the opportunity to attend those, so the hanoi high school kids brought a smaller version to them.

After the treats handout, which included cooking oil for the parents. I guess some kids are not getting the nourishment they need and don't grow very well. I asked one kid his age thinking he was about 9. He was 13.

The students participating in the music and dancing for the festival.

This little girl stared at me so long I was able to get a good photo, she just didn't move.

These dudes were much more active.

Some of our students after climbing 900 steps. The change in temperature, probably around 72 up here was really nice.

Our students heading up the steps on a small mountain.
We had lunch here. Sort of a Hanoi weekend getaway place up in the mountains. Nice cool, clean air.
Our first stop was with another group of Vietnamese high school students. We planted several hundred trees under the heat of the tropical sun.

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