Sunday, November 7, 2010

Trip to Sapa in the mountains near China

water storage tank
a day at the market.

Quick! Find the green umbrella handle.

Indigo dyed fabrics and pillow cases.

A cool orchid.

Technology from the 1800s is still alive and well!

Lisa and somebody with long sticks in a basket backpack.

A terrraced rice paddy after being harvested.

Walking with a giant wok.

At a market we went to. Spot the dinner choices, duck, chicken and two types of dog.


  1. I am so enjoying your blog and learning a lot. I hope you are having a great experience.

  2. I just found out about your blog today! I love your photos and captions! You look like you are having a grand adventure!!!!How hot is it in the summer-would you like a visitor? Best, Beth
