Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Trip to Laos and Cambodia

In Vientiane, Laos--the capital city.
A village outside the bus window during our 11 hour 15 minute ride from Vientiane to Luang Prabang. The average speed was 25 miles per hour on a road with nearly no straight sections but beautiful scenery.
Ted swinging on a rope at waterfalls outside Luang Prabang, Laos.
One our our highlights on the spring break trip was riding elephants. They have been rescued from the logging industry and are cared for at an eco-tourism place that caters to people like us that want to care for the elephants by giving them a little exercise time. In the 1850s there were an estimated 10,000 elephants used for work. Today there are only 1,500 left in Laos.
My cousins Karla and Ian came for a visit in Hanoi then we met them again in Laos for a few days.

The Mekong River as is flows past Luang Prabang.
The famous Angkor Wat in Cambodia. This is just one of MANY ruins and temples built about 1,000 years ago. We explored for three days. The scale of the temples and the area they occupy is mind-boggling. We were baffled by how they moved all the stones to built these things. They must have used elephants but still. Pictures don't capture it. One must see it in person and walk around and climb up and check it all out. Really impressive.

Lisa in Phnom Penh, Cambodia--the capital city of 2 million people.
I bought a bag of fried grasshoppers to eat for 25 cents. They were good.
Deciding what insects to buy.

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