Saturday, June 25, 2011


Our 5 days in Finland was really great. Helsinki was incredibly clean, organized and easy to navigate. The whole country has 5.3 million people, Hanoi has nearly 7 million. So needless to say, it was a pleasure. We spent one night in a cabin. We took an overnight train to the Arctic Circle, went fishing (no luck) and took the train back to Helsinki. After eating reindeer and walking around the parks we boarded an afternoon ferry to Tallinn, Estonia.
A market in Helsinki where we bought, dill, potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, garlic, and plums. We cooked these at our cabin in Porvoo an hour outside Helsinki.
Standing at the Arctic Circle a bit north of Rovaniemi, Finland.
Fishing in the Kemijoki River.
In Helsinki.
A buffet breakfast spot in Helsinki.
Our little cabin we stayed in in Porvoo.

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