Friday, July 9, 2010

Marina's Great Adventure!

Part of our adventures this summer involved driving Marina, Frances and Sylvia (our chickens) to warmer climes.

They are vacationing in Berkeley, CA under the care of our nephew, Max (aka The Pizza).
Ted turned the bed of the truck into a mobile chicken palace, only the best for Marina - she does have her standards. The deluxe travel accommodations included their food and water, nest box, roosting stick, treats bowl, and their dust bath.
This first class arrangement did not leave much room for us and all of our stuff for the next year in Vietnam...


  1. Great place for your chickens Mr.Godfrey
    Their lucky to have you guys as owners!!!!
    I read every thing and watched the video amazing
    Keep up with the updates.
    Bye 4 Now
    Reema Sameen

  2. Awesome Pictures and videos...seriously everything for Vietnam and the chickens in the same vehicle?

  3. That is quite the adventure Mr. Godfrey! The car must've smelled a bit, unpleasant. I'm looking forward to more posts as you travel throughout the country and the world.
