Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Flowers for Me

I saw some very interesting flowers the other day in an arrangement on someone's desk. They were yellow and ball-like but not like an allium or other ball-like flower made up of many small flowers. These were like a ball of little petals! Well, the next day we were at the supermarket and there were the same flowers, but in white. So I had to get them! Plus, they came from Dalat, an area in Vietnam known for flower growing and they were all so carefully wrapped up in little paper twists.
I arranged them in my vase so that they were spread out and each flower can be seen in full roundness. The arrangement I saw had just a few of these with many other flowers and greens - so cool. I have not been to the San Francisco Flower Mart in years, so maybe these are a new variety that have arrived in flower arranging circles worldwide, but I have never seen them. I am thinking I must have them in my next garden (I would be thinking that!).
I am not going to give away the flower type - I want to see if some of my fellow flower nuts out there can guess! They are just fabulous!

1 comment:

  1. Ranunculus? Zinnia? Marigold? Am I even close?
