Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Bintan Island

Some pictures of our short 2 day trip from Singapore to Bintan Island, Indonesia.

The toilet in the ferry terminal in Singapore, interesting and accurate.
The sign on the ferry. It was a two hour ride, in the dark going to Indonesia and during the day coming back. We had some pretty big swells and waves on the way back. There is a short video at the end of this blog entry but I was surprised that the microphone on the camera didn't capture the loud bangs as the boat hit the waves. Lisa didn't think it was fun, I loved it...and I kept reading this sign.

The falcon 3. Our ferry back from the island.
Ferry terminal in Bintan Island.
The place we stayed at the resort on Bintan Island.

We watched lots of kite surfers from the shore. This guy was fun to watch.

Kite surfers in the background. Restaurant at the end out on the water.

So I didn't shave during our vacation from school. The beard was nice and warm in Hanoi but here, it was uncomfortable and I shaved it off about 2 hours after this photo.

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