Saturday, January 1, 2011

Trip to Beach and Bangkok

On the train heading south along the coast of Vietnam. This leg of our journey by train to Saigon was 25 hours long. The total voyage was 32 hours.We shared the cabin with an Australian couple for the first part, then a Vietnamese couple for the second half. The last leg of the ride from Nha Trang to Saigon was 6.5 hours in a cabin with 6 berths, 3 bunks on each wall. Interesting experience! 4 other Vietnamese people and us.
Train bathroom.

Scenes from our bungalow on Doc Let beach.

The round boats are actually large baskets.

Wouldn't you be happy if you were staying at Paradise?

Inside Paradise.

Ted Snorkeling at Paradise.

Not a bad place to celebrate Christmas. This is the view at night from our huge bungalow.
Day time view from our bungalow.

Ok, here we are in Bangkok, Thailand. The people greet each other by holding their hands together. So, I guess Ronald McDonald needs to do the same to be culturally sensitive. All the American restaurants like Burger King, Pizza Hut etc. are in Bangkok. We have not seen a McDonalds in Hanoi.

Inside an empty temple in Bangkok.

Stained glass window in a temple in Bangkok.
Buddhist monks and Nestle Ice Cream.
In Bangkok.

We took a short boat ride in Bangkok at dusk.
Fancy Bangkok airport!

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