Wednesday, May 4, 2011

16 mornings in a row

I thought it would be interesting to take a photo from our balcony in the same direction every morning when I got up. So I did it for 16 days. Sometimes I think people think that living in Vietnam is living in a lush, tropical, sunny place. It is tropical by definition and lush and sunny in some places. But we live in Hanoi, one of the fastest growing cities in the world probably. Population of Hanoi in 2000--1 million. Population of Hanoi in 2010--6.8 million. You don't have growth like that without consequences to environmental quality. So here are 16 photos of the same image over 16 days in a row.

Is that the sun peeking through??

The above photo is the morning after a rainy day. The rain quite literally washes the air. The droplets of water condense around air particulates and then drop to the ground. This particular morning, we took the elevator downstairs and walked outside to our bus stop. We both commented on our "super vision." It was weird, like we had a film peeled off our eyeballs. Everything was so sharp and clear. Things had edges. The leaves were green. It was like we were surrounded by objects that were real, that we could reach out and grasp. Like we were in some sort of movie set. It lasted one day.

1 comment:

  1. Hello!

    I came across this blog today for the first time and it sounds like you're having a fantastic time! I've just been looking through the blog instead of doing work and it's bringing back lots of memories from the middle school years. I Hope everything is going well!

    -Sumin Kim

    p.s. The difference between most days and the one clear day is really quite amazing!
