Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Leaving Vietnam

Our students finished up their final papers and final presentations on May 18th. We then went on our last trip with the students and yesterday they all flew back to the U.S. For some reason we have not had electricity in our apartment for the last 5 days, since we got back from the trip. We were not home when they come to collect $ for the electric bill, so they shut it off. We did manage to pay them, but for some reason, we still don't have electricity. So our last days have been spent in another teacher's apartment getting our stuff organized.
We'll have one last dinner with the remaining one teacher, the director and the secretary that really takes care of everything. Then off to the airport at 8:30pm. Our flight leaves Hanoi at 11:35pm bound for Seoul.
It has been an incredible year and experience living in Vietnam and traveling all over the place. We have a solid understanding of the country and it's culture although our grasp of the language is still simple phrases and all the numbers. But it was enough to get us by. Hanoi is a challenging place to live due to the air pollution and noise pollution but enlightening nonetheless. No regrets.
We will stay in Korea for 4 nights as this will give Lisa the opportunity to see the places I saw in 2007, this includes a tour of the DMZ, a peak across the border at North Korea and of course a visit to a jimjilbong!! I know all my former students are envious of this last thing:)
Following Korea, we'll fly to Beijing for 3 days before boarding our train on June 8. Stay tuned...


  1. hahaha very envious of the last thing Mr. Godfrey...

  2. What Adam said :) Did you eat any Bo Shin Tang or squid on a stick ;)?
