Wednesday, July 13, 2011


We crossed Poland by train with a stop in Warsaw. We spent one night in Berlin, one night in Erfurt and then one night in Frankfurt before we picked up our niece for the last two weeks in Europe before we head back to the U.S. on July 20. I am having problems uploading any photos. Sorry. We did spend two days in Wurzburg then on to Nuremburg for two days where we visited the Documentation Center and the Nazi Party's Grounds for their parades and speeches. As seemed appropriate we then went to the Nuremburg Trials Museum and visited the actualy Court room (room 600) where the trials were held. Very interesting as this museum has only been open since November. We then took a bus to Prague on the Autobahn and have been in Prague three nights. Tomorrow we take a 8 hour train to Innsbruck, Austria.

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