Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Lithuania was great as well. The highlight of our 5 days there was biking the 30 miles in one day on the Curonian Spit. This is the strip of land that runs along the Baltic Sea. It runs along Lithuania and Kaliningrad (Russia). We only biked the Lithuania part as our transit visa for Russia was only for a single entry. (And we really didn't want to go back to Russia) The ride was beautiful and fun through pine forests, along the coast and through a couple small towns.
After returning to Klaipeda on the mainland, we took a 5.5 hour train ride to Vilnius, the capital. This allowed us to see the country from one side to another. It is a small but pretty country. Lots of farmland and farms.
After wandering around Vilnius for a day and a half we took a train to Warsaw, Poland then to Berlin then to Erfurt, Germany and now we are in Frankfurt. We spent one night in each place.
Tomorrow we pick up our niece who is flying over to have a visit of parts of Europe with us as her travel companions.

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